Product Details


Detailed specifications for patented, hybrid frame system combining the structural elements of wood and the insulative properties of foam.

INSULFRAME® (HDR) Frame Details

Detailed technical specifications and drawings for high-density-foam construction on walk-in coolers or freezers.

Wood Frame Details

Detailed specifications and drawings for wood frame construction on walk-in coolers or freezers.

General Equipment Enclosure Specifications

Modular panel specifications for industrial enclosures.

INSULFRAME® (HDR) Panel Details

Detailed technical specifications and drawings for high-density-foam panels including span charts can be downloaded here.

Wood Frame Panel Details

Detailed specifications and drawings for wood frame panels including span charts can be downloaded here.

KPS Global Door Details

Detailed technical drawings for manufactured walk-in cooler or freezer doors.

INSULFRAME® (HDR) Specifications

Detailed technical specifications for high-density-foam rails.

Wood Frame Specifications

Detailed technical specifications for wood frame rails.

KPS Global Limited Warranty

KPS Global limited warranty is available for download here.