Women In Manufacturing – Piney Flats

celebrating women in manufacturing 2024

As we jump into the fourth segment of our Women in Manufacturing series at KPS Global, we are excited to spotlight a few of our incredible team members that are vital to the walk-in cooler and freezer manufacturing operations. Each day this week, we have been introducing you to exceptional women from different plants, giving them the platform to share their personal journeys, experiences, and the pride they take in their work. Join us in recognizing these five special women from our Piney Flats manufacturing facility.

Beverley Walker – Assembler / Wood Shop

Beverley is a new addition to KPS Global, having only been with us for nine months, but her supervisor has only good things to say about her; “Beverley is very prompt, approachable, and consistent in her work. She learns quickly and is willing to do whatever the job calls for.”

Beverley has been learning to read blueprints in her time here and loves that everyone at KPS Global is kind. With so much new information to learn, she knows absorbing as much as possible is the best action to take to be successful.

Lori Hicks – Assembler, Sr / Door Shop

As one of our more established employees, Lori has been with KPS Global since 2009, fifteen years! She loves how friendly her co-workers are. Her decade and a half has garnered her a level of experience that allows her to be a valuable asset to our team, as she is able to perform in multiple areas of many company projects.

On her off days, Lori enjoys going outside to hike or go kayaking.

Lorie Tilson – Materials Manager

After seven years with KPS Global, Lorie has a handle on how we operate. As a manager, she believes true leadership means “making everyone else better!”

Lorie enjoys seeing her granddaughters in her free time and has a hidden talent of being a clothing designer with 150 pairs of shoes

Mindy Hall – Assembler / Panel Finish

Seven months into her employment at KPS Global, Mindy’s new role has “taught [her] about using hand tools and building/putting together panels.”

Mindy mentions that she loves that we are “a good company that cares about and takes care of their people.”

Mollie O’Dell – EHS Manager

Mollie has been with KPS Global for going on eight years now, and was raved about by her manager, “[She] is a passionate and dedicated manager that exemplifies the mindset necessary to be an effective safety professional. She is committed to the care and well-being of the employees placed in her charge and takes a personal interest to assuring their safety and health. Mollie started out as an EHS Representative and, through hard work, increase experience and knowledge, and continue growth, has advanced to EHS Manager and oversight of two KPS Global manufacturing facilities. She is respected amongst her peers and a valuable asset to the business.”

Mollie herself enjoys “being able to identify safer and more efficient ways to perform our processes and having the support to drive the change and see it through completion on a regular basis.”


Don’t miss the upcoming edition of KPS Global Women in Manufacturing! Join us in our last segment as we highlight women in manufacturing at our fifth facility.

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