Behind-the-Scenes Heroes Critical to Building Walk-Ins

Behind Scenes Heros Employees

Though a customer won’t interact with everyone at KPS Global who has a hand in building walk-ins, our behind-the-scenes team members are just as important to the process as any other member of the KPSG family.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at how two team members, Andrew Sweeny, Director of Operations and Jason Hadley, Maintenance Lead, both help make KPSG the industry leader in building walk-ins.

Andrew Keeps KPSG’s Processes Firing on all Cylinders

Specifically focused on quality and integration in KPSG’s operations, Andrew’s team gets a look at every step of the process, from quote to final order.

Through quality data analysis, Andrew’s team is able to sort and relay information back to departments to help diagnose informational gaps and identify potential problems in the internal processes. Each team at KPSG is able to utilize its own customized data to focus on issues and take corrective action effectively.

“Our customers look to us to produce a custom, quality product each and every time,” said Andrew. “Because each of our products are custom made from start to finish, it can be challenging. But we are up for it!”

Though KPSG faces unique challenges every day, Andrew said that effectively identifying and solving issues are a rewarding part of his work.

“We need to have defined processes in place to achieve the best we can for each customer order, every time,” he said. “(It) makes me rely on my previous data skills while getting a view of the entire business. You never know what you are going to encounter.”

Jason Keeps the Whole Process Running

While Andrew and his team oversee the processes that help KPSG operate at peak efficiency, Jason is more hands on! As a maintenance lead, he is tasked with ensuring all critical equipment functions correctly in the plant.

It can’t be overstated how critical his role is.

“Without equipment, we cannot build our product,” Jason said. “We keep the equipment running and in the best condition possible in order to increase production effectiveness.”

Every Member of the KPSG Team Has a Role to Play

Although Andrew and Jason are examples of KPS Global employees customers may never interact with, both play a key role in the business. Without folks like them, KPSG wouldn’t be able to provide the kind of quality product we pride ourselves on.

Click here to read more KPSG employee spotlights.

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