walk-in freezer maintenance

It’s important to know how to look for the signs that indicate your walk-in needs repair or maintenance work. The following walk-in freezer maintenance checks will help keep you in business.

Assessing Your Walk-In for Damage or Wear and Tear

All walk-in coolers and freezers experience wear and tear over the years. Doing regular maintenance checks on your walk-ins can extend the life of the unit. In this article, we will explore  elements of a walk-in freezer that needs to be checked regularly:

1. Doors

Walk-in freezer manufacturers note that the most common reason for repair is damaged doors. Even if you have a walk-in that is working effectively, a door that is not sealing properly will decrease the entire walk-in’s performance.

If your walk-in freezer is used frequently in a high-traffic area, it is worth considering adding kick plates to the doors for extra protection.

2. Flooring

A walk-in’s flooring is often overlooked. One common cause of floor damage is liquid spills, which can cause the flooring to separate from the insulated panel walls. Repairing a walk-in’s floor typically requires the complete removal of the original floor or an overlay of new flooring on top of the original flooring.

3. Walls

Repairs to walk-in freezer walls occur less frequently in comparison to doors and flooring. Nevertheless, walls should still be checked for damages from fork lifts, icing on the panel joints and food spills. Certain food products, such as acidic vegetables and salty seafood, can corrode your wall panels if they are not cleaned correctly.


A walk-in freezer can last up to 15 years if you provide the right care and maintenance. At KPS Global, we provide – factory walk-in freezer parts to help in maintaining their units. Browse through our products today and purchase door hardware, heater wires, jamb guards, and more for your freezer’s maintenance needs!

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