Extend the Life of Your Walk-In With Thermal Liner Panels

KPS Global Liner Panels

Whether your need is aesthetic or functional, Thermal Liner Panels can extend the life of an existing walk-in cooler or freezer by up to five years, adding an R-value of five to your existing solution.

Setting the Standard for Thermal Liner Panels

KPS Global has set itself apart in the walk-in industry as it provides customers with long-lasting products and affordable solutions to fit any customer’s needs.  KPSG’s thermal liner panels serve as an alternative to walk-in cooler replacement. Whether you are restoring damaged panels, refurbishing surfaces or repairing displaced joints, they act as a solution to meet a variety of customer needs. The innovative solution increases the R-value of any existing cooler or freezer and reduces unnecessary energy costs.

Liner panels come in 10-foot lengths and are field cut according to project requirements. They are installed directly over existing walk-in panels. Think of each panel as a NSF-certified, really thick wallpaper that saves you money and insulates better!

In addition to improving insulation, thermal liner panels add a fresh, updated look to corroded and discolored panels.

Apply Thermal Liner Panels to Your Walk-In Cooler with No Downtime

Walk-in maintenance is inevitable, but when it’s unplanned it can impact your bottom line.

Thermal liner panels are applied directly to the walls of the existing walk-in. Doing so allows stores to avoid operational shutdowns, which can save a business owner thousands of dollars!

Applications can also be professionally managed by KPS Global installation teams, ensuring that the process is as seamless as possible.

Choose a Panel Finish to Match Your Existing Walk-In

Thermal liner panels are available in various finishes and are field cut for custom applications. They are produced in 47-inch widths ad ¾-inch and 2-inch thicknesses.

The concept of customization was an important consideration during the thermal liner panel creation process.  Contact our team to learn more about available finishes and colors.

Differentiation from the Competition

What differentiates KPSG from competitors is innovation.  KPSG goes beyond delivering a superior product and focuses on anticipating the customer’s needs.

Tom Beatty, Vice President of Construction Services, explains how easy and effective this liner panel solution is.

“Our liner panel product can extend the life of a walk-in for up to five years,” he said. “Our customers don’t have to close down to replace a box, which is time consuming. If you have a walk-in that does not maintain temperature, we can apply them to the interior of that box, providing an efficient and aesthetically-pleasing solution.”

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Using Thermal Liner Panels on a Non-KPS Global Walk-In

One of the benefits of using KPS Global liner panels is that they can be installed in most existing, non-KPS global walk-in solutions!

Contact our representatives today to talk about your specific project needs.

KPS Global believes that the secret to success is putting the customer’s need for a great walk-in solution first. Customers can leverage and utilize experienced KPSG teams throughout the process.

With Thermal Liner Panels, KPS Global introduces a product that not only meets the need for an energy efficient, cost effective solution, but also offers options to customers who need to expand the capabilities of their existing walk-ins.

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