Employee Spotlight: Candi Dunavin

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KPS Global has been fortunate to have Candi Dunavin, as a Designer Trainer & Senior Designer on our team for the past two years. Her favorite thing about KPSG is that it’s a very niche market, and what I love about my job is teaching people,” Candi said.

When someone gets that “ah-ha” moment of understanding, it’s a great feeling. And on being a designer, I feel like every project I work on is a puzzle. Good thing she like’s puzzles!

Let’s learn more about Candi-who loves baked potatoes …so much so she wishes they had zero calories!
What was your first concert or your favorite concert? I’ve never been to a concert.
If you could meet anyone (living or dead) who would you meet? Some of my Choctaw ancestors and Bruce Lee.
One thing that most people don’t know about you or might surprise people? I collect knives and blades –nunchucks, sai, swords, daggers, etc.
Favorite holiday tradition/meal or family recipe? My mom’s stuffing.

What we won’t get out of her? Her middle name. She doesn’t like sharing that!

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