KPS Global Manufacturing Teams Uphold Safety Values

KPS Global is committed to the philosophy that there is no job so important that it cannot be performed safely.

Safety is one of the highest core values for every employee at KPS Global and we strive to provide a safe and healthy working environment. Policies, procedures and practices exist to protect our team members and maintain our commitment to a safe and secure culture.

KPS Global believes in the following safety values:

  • Never compromise on safety; nothing we do is worth getting injured.
  • We are committed to providing an accident and injury-free workplace.
  • Our most valuable assets are our employees, and their safety and well-being is our first priority.
  • Every injury can and should be prevented.
  • Promoting a positive attitude toward safety is key.
  • Safety is every employee’s responsibility and adhering to all safety policies and proper reporting is essential to accident and injury prevention.

In addition to holding supervisors and employees accountable for safety, KPS Global utilizes programs, safety teams and training to strengthen our safety culture. The concerted efforts of each of our dedicated employees has led to various safety milestones at our manufacturing locations in multiple categories:

Lost Time Incidents

  • Across all five manufacturing locations, KPS Global has gone 514 days since the last Lost Time Incident.
    • Piney Flats has gone 2025 days since the last Lost Time Incident. That’s over five and a half years!
    • Fort Worth has gone 1016 days since the last Lost Time Incident. That is nearly three years!

Recordable Incidents

  • As a whole, KPS Global has accomplished a 37% reduction in recordable incidents year over year.
    • San Dimas has reached 255 consecutive recordable-free safe days, and is still counting.
    • Fort Worth has worked 147 days since its last recordable incident. In May 2021, the team achieved 600 consecutive days without a recordable incident!
    • In October 2021, the team in Goodyear reached 90 consecutive recordable-free safe days.

Workers Compensation Costs Year Over Year

  • In total, KPS Global has accomplished an 85% reduction in workers compensation costs year over year.
    • Goodyear has reached a 95% decrease.
    • San Dimas has achieved a 99% reduction.
    • Conyers has accomplished an 83% decrease.

These examples of success are a direct result of KPS Global employees’ ongoing commitment to safety awareness and practices. A few of these practices and programs are listed below.

Safety Committee
The KPS Global safety committee consists of a combination of employees, team leads, supervisors and management who discuss past, current and potential safety concerns and methods for promoting safety. The committee meets a minimum of once per month, and the group is driven to constantly improve safety practices through leadership, communication and education.

Safety Inspections
Any employee can participate in a department or facility safety inspection at any time. These inspections are conducted on a monthly or quarterly basis and consist of a supervisor, team lead or manager conducting a formal audit of the safety and housekeeping compliance in the specified department. KPS Global employees are encouraged to participate to provide valuable feedback on current or potential hazards in their work environment.

Personal Protective Equipment
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used to protect our employees from potential injury or illness. PPE items are required to ensure employees’ protection in situations where other risk reduction methods do not adequately shield employees from potential hazards. Examples of PPE requirements include:

  • Clear safety glasses must be worn at all times on the manufacturing facility floor.
  • Hearing protection is mandatory in designated areas.
  • Safety-toed shoes must be worn at all times on the facility floor.
  • Cut-resistant gloves with cut-resistant forearm sleeves must be worn when working with raw metal.
  • Radio headphones, earphones or headsets are not authorized at any time in the production areas.

Machine Training and Safeguarding

KPS Global has an operating training process for employees that are hired to operate our equipment and machinery. This process is to ensure that only trained and authorized employees are allowed to operate hazardous equipment to protect both our operators and the employees around them from injury or incident.

COVID-19 Prevention Policy
To prevent the spread of COVID-19, KPS Global has instituted protocol for monitoring and screening, as well as disinfecting equipment in accordance with CDC guidance. Employees have their temperatures checked upon entering facilities and practice social distancing when possible.

Office and manufacturing equipment are cleaned regularly to prevent the transmission of germs.

These are just a few of the many programs and practices carried out by the KPS Global manufacturing team. Check out the video below to learn more, directly from the Director of Environment, Healthy and Safety, Evan Jennings.

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